The ability of God that is Unchanging and able to do all things is both an encouragement and an advantage to us as we go through life, This sound that God gave me will remind you of God’s might in your life, It will both encourage you and help you to release your faith for the impossible. ( Jer 32:27; Malachi 3:6) “I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me? “I am the Lord, and I do not change. That is why your descendants of Jacob are not already destroyed.

I love this sound . May the continue to increase you
God bless you GUC
I so much cherish this sound.
Greater you I pray Sir. Thanks 🙏
Awesome song!! God Bless you so much GUC!!
This sound gives me strength..
God bless you more Sir!!
Wonderful song God Bless you more
Godbless you Richy Daddy GUC
More grace
Love this life transforming song
More Grace brother
Uncle G… May God increase you on every side…This sound is so powerful
God is really making a great generation out of him!! God bless him!!
You are indeed amazing Sir
More Grace
I see you at the top🙌
Nice song may God continue to bless you and give u more inspiration
Great sir. Your anointing is limitless. Ahead ahead GUC .
Akanchawa….. This song heals me instantly, after listening to it for the first time
Great song from GUC, Ike Nile
Chim di ebube
Di ebube
Odigi agbanwe
Chim di ebube
Thank You Jesus for all.
Great song..more Grace
Great Song Guc…keep it up boss
Great work, keep it up. More grac
Am so blessed, thank you
Great song, Ike Nile
This is who i want to be like when i grow up lord help me
This is so wonderful💯😲 this song takes me in the reme of the Holly spirit🔥🔥 when ever I hear it.💕💞